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사무엘하(2 Samuel) 개요 - 동영상 및 한글/영어 자막(Bible Project)

by 미류맘 2022. 9. 19.

사무엘상과 사무엘하로 구분되는 사무엘서의 히브리어 성경은 한 권으로 되어 있습니다. 사무엘상은 사사 시대가 마감되고 왕정 시대가 시작되는 한 세기 동안의 전환기 역사를 다룹니다 (자료: 라이프성경사전). 사무엘상에서 사무엘의 생애(1-7잘), 초대 왕 사울의 등극과 몰락(8-15장),그리고 다윗의 등장(16-31장)에 대해 다루었습니다.

사무엘하에서는 다윗 왕의 이야기를 두 부분, 즉 부흥기와 재난으로 나뉘어 전개됩니다. 성공과 축복의 시기(1-10장)에 이어 범죄와 말년의 시기(11-24장)가 뒤따릅니다. 그리고 결론에서 다윗의 축복과 죄악을 뒤돌아보고, 그의 가문에서 나올 미래의 왕에 대한 희망을 이야기하고 사무엘서를 마무리합니다.

이미지 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvoWDXNDJgs

아래는 마찬가지로 바이블 프로젝트에 올라온 동영상에서 한글 및 영문 자막을 추출하여 공부를 위해 정리한 것입니다. 영문과 한글 동영상도 링크합니다.  

The book of 2nd Samuel.
Check out the video on First Samuel where we were introduced
to the book's three main characters: Samuel, Saul and David and 
then also the book's literary design
which first introduced Samuel and then 
traced the rise and fall of King Saul in
contrast to the rise of King David. 

사무엘상 영상에서 3명의 주요 등장인물인 사무엘, 사울, 다윗과
사무엘상의 문학적 구조에 대해 살펴보았습니다.
먼저 사무엘에 대한 소개
사울왕의 등극과 몰락
이에 대조적으로 다윗왕의 부상에 대해 살펴보았습니다.

2nd Samuel tells the story of David
as Israel's King and in two movements; 
there's a season of success and a blessing, followed by a huge moral failure and
then sad consequences. 
And then the book ends with this well-crafted conclusion 
that reflects back on the good and the bad in David's life
generating hope for a future king to come from his line. 

사무엘하는 이스라엘의 왕인 다윗왕의 이야기를 두 부분으로 전개하여 풀어냅니다.
성공과 축복의 시기가 있고 이어서 엄청난 도덕적 실패와 슬픈 결과가 뒤 따릅니다.
잘 짜여진 결론 부분에서는 다윗의 선한 부분과 잘못된 부분을 뒤돌아보고
다윗의 가문에서 나올 미래의 왕에 대한 희망을 품게 하며 마무리됩니다.

So 2nd Samuel picks up after Saul's death 
and Davis surprises everyone by composing this long poem
where he laments the death of the very man who tried to murder him. 
And so once again the author is presenting David's humility and compassion; 
he's a man who grieves the death even of his own enemies. 

사무엘하는 사울이 죽음으로 시작됩니다.
다윗은 놀랍게도 바로 자신을 죽이려 했던
사울의 죽음을 애도하는 장문의 시를 읇습니다.
다시 한 번, 저자는 다윗의 겸손과 동정심을 보여주며
다윗을 자신의 적의 죽음조차도 애도하는 인물로 묘사합니다.

After this, David experiences a season of success and God's blessing.
All of the Israelite tribes they come to David 
then they ask him to unify all the tribes as their king,
so the first thing David does as king,
is to go to the city of Jerusalem, he conquers it, and 
he establishes it as Israel's capital city
which he renames as Zion. 
And from there David goes on and he wins many battles 
and expands Israel's territory. 

이후, 다윗은 성공과 하나님의 복을 누리는 시기를 경험합니다.
이스라엘 모든 지파가 다윗에게 와서 이스라엘의 왕이 되어 달라고 간청합니다.
이에 다윗은 왕이 된 후 제일 먼저
예루살렘을 정복하고 이스라엘의 수도로 삼고
시온으로 이름을 바꿉니다.
이후 다윗은 많은 전투에서 승리하며
이스라엘의 영토를 확장합니다.

Now after making Jerusalem the political capital of Israel,
he wants to make it their religious capital as well and so he has
the Ark of the Covenant moved into the city.

다윗은 예루살렘을 정치적인 수도로 정한 후
영적인 수도로 삼아
언약궤를 예루살렘으로 옮깁니다.

And then in 2nd Samuel 7,
he tells God that Israel has a permanent home
he thinks that God's presence should also get a permanent house
so he asks if he can build a temple for the God of Israel
but God says to David: "Thank you for that thought but 
actually I'm going to build you a house, a dynasty."

그리고 사무엘하 7장에서
다윗은 이스라엘은 이제 평안히 살 수 있는 집이 있는데
하나님의 궤는 집이 없이 휘장 가운데 있으니
다윗은 이스라엘의 하나님을 위한 성전을 건축하고 싶다고 묻습니다.
그러나 하나님은 다윗에게 "네가 나를 위하여 내가 살 집을 건축하겠느냐
오히려 내가 너를 위하여 집을 건축하고 왕위를 견고하게 할 것이다"라고 말씀하십니다.

Now 2nd Samuel 7, this is a key chapter for understanding
the storyline of the whole Bible because God here makes a promise to David
that from his royal line will come a future king. 
who's going to build God's temple here on earth and set up an eternal kingdom
And it's this messianic promise to David that gets picked up and developed more
in the Book of Psalms and also in the book of the prophets and

사무엘하 7장의 이 부분이
전체 성경의 이야기 줄거리를 이해하는 데 있어 핵심 장입니다.
왜냐하면 하나님께서 다윗에게 약속하시기를 다윗왕의 족보로부터 미래의 왕이 나와서
이 땅에 하나님의 성전을 짓고 영원한 왕국을 세울 것이라고 하셨기 때문입니다.
바로 다윗에게 메시아에 대한 약속을 한 것이
시편과 선지서에서 좀 더 상세히 기록됩니다.

It's this king that gets connected to God's promise to Abraham. 
The future messianic kingdom will be how 
God brings His blessing to all of the nations

이 다윗왕은 하나님께서 아브라함에게 하신 약속과 연결되는 왕입니다.
미래의 메시아 왕국은 하나님께서 어떻게 모든 열방에 복을 줄 것인지를 보여줍니다. (창 12)

And it's right here in the midst of all this divine blessing that things go horribly wrong.
David makes a fatal mistake.
Not fatal for him, but for a man named Uriah. 
One of David's prized soldiers.
So from this rooftop David sees Uriah's wife Batsheba, bathing. 
David finds her, he sleeps with her, gets her pregnant
and then he tries to cover the whole thing up
by having Uriah assassinated and then marrying her.
It is just horrible.

그런데 바로 하나님이 모든 복을 주신다고 하신 이 부분부터
모든 것이 끔찍하게 잘못되기 시작합니다.
다윗은 치명적인 실수를 저지릅니다.
바로 자신의 충성된 군인인 우리아에게 말이죠.
다윗은 지붕에서 우리아의 아내 밧세바가 목욕하는 것을 보게 됩니다.
다윗은 그녀를 알아내 동침하고 아이를 배게하고, 이를 덮기 위해
우리아를 죽게 하고 그녀와 결혼합니다. 정말 끔찍합니다.

So when David's confronted by the prophet Nathan about all of this,
he immediately owns up to what he's done.
He is broken, he repents.
He asks God to forgive him and God does forgive him but,
God doesn't erase the consequences of David's decision. 
As a result of this horrible choice, 
David's family, his kingdom, and all falls apart
and makes this section a tragic story, much like Saul's downfall. 

나단 선지자가 이 모든 것을 자신에게 지적하였을 때 다윗은 즉시 자신의 죄를 인정합니다.
다윗은 비탄에 잠겨 회개하며 하나님께 용서를 구합니다.
하나님께서 그를 용서하지만,
하나님께서는 다윗의 결정에 따른 결과를 지우시지는 않습니다.
이러한 끔찍한 선택의 결과, 다윗의 가문, 왕국은 모두 흩어지게 되고
마치 사울의 몰락과 매우 흡사하게 비극적인 이야기가 됩니다.

So David's sons end up repeating his own mistakes
but in even more tragic ways so 
Amnon sexually abuses his sister Tamar
and then their brother Absalom finds out about all of this and
has Amnon assassinated and then
Absalom goes and he hatches the secret plan to oust his father David from power
and he launches this full-scale rebellion 
and so for a second time David is forced to 
flee from his own home and go hide in the wilderness,
except this time he is not an innocent man.

다윗의 아들들은 자신의 잘못을 더 비극적으로 반복합니다.
암논이 자신의 누이 다말을 성적으로 능욕하고
형제인 압살롬이 이를 알게 되어 암논을 죽입니다.
압살롬은 아버지 다윗왕을 반역하는 계획을 비밀리에 세우고
이 대대적인 반란계획을 실행에 옮깁니다.
이제 다윗은 자신의 집에서 쫓겨나서 두 번째로 광야에서 숨지만
이전과 다르게 이번에는 결백하지 않습니다.

The rebellion ends when David's son is murdered.
And it breaks David's heart and so once again
he laments over the very man who tried to kill him.
David's last days find him back on his throne but as a broken man,
he wounded by the sad consequences of his sin. 

다윗의 아들인 압살롬이 살해된 후 반란이 진압됩니다.
이 또한 다윗을 비탄에 잠기게 하고
다윗은 다시 한번 바로 자신의 목숨을 노린 사람을 애도합니다.
다윗의 마지막 날에 왕좌에 복귀하지만
그는 비탄에 잠기게 되고 자신의 죄에 따른 슬픈 결과에 상처를 입습니다.

This book concludes with a well-crafted epilogue.
With stories that are out of chronological order,
but they have this really cool symmetrical literary design.
So the outer pair of stories come from earlier in David's reign
and they compared the failures of Saul and then of David,
and how each of them hurt other people through their bad decisions.

이제 책은 잘 정리된 끝맺음으로 마칩니다.
이야기들이 시간 순서대로는 아니지만
대칭구조로 배치되어 있습니다.
바깥의 두 이야기는 다윗의 통치 초기의 이야기이며
사울과 다윗의 실패를 비교하고
어떻게 각자의 그릇된 결정을 통해 다른 사람들에게 상처를 입혔는지 보여줍니다.

The next inner pair of stories are about David and his band of mighty men,
who went about fighting the Philistines
and what's interesting is that both sections have a story of David's weakness in battle,
so in contrast to the victories David of chapters 1 through 9,
here we see a vulnerable David, who is depending on others for help. 

안쪽의 두 이야기는 다윗과 블레셋 전투의 용사들에 대한 이야기입니다.
흥미롭게도 두 부분 모두 전투에서의 다윗의 약점에 대한 이야기입니다.
1-9장의 승리하는 다윗과 대조적으로
다른 사람의 도움에 의존하는 나약한 다윗을 보게 됩니다.

The center of the epilogue has two poems that act like memoirs,
and David reflects back on his life
and he remembers times when God graciously rescued him from danger,
and he sees these are moments where God was faithful to His covenant promise to him and to his family.
Both poems conclude by looking back onto the hope of God's promise of a future king
who will build that eternal kingdom.

가운데 부분은 다윗의 회고록 같은 두 편의 시가 나옵니다.
다윗은 자신의 삶을 돌아보고
하나님께서 자신을 위험에서 은혜롭게 구하신 때를 기억합니다
그리고 다윗은 하나님께서 다윗과 그의 가문에 대한 언약에 신실하신 하나님을 기억합니다.
이 시들은 결국 영원한 왕국을 세울 미래 왕에 대한 하나님의 약속을 소망하며 마무리합니다.

Now these poems and then God's promise also connect back to
Hannah's poem that opened the book.
And so these key passages from the beginning 
now the middle and the end of the book
bring the books' themes all together. 

이제 두 편의 시들은 하나님의 약속과 (삼하 7)
한나의 시(삼상 2)와 연결됩니다.
이렇게 처음, 중간 끝 부분의 핵심 문구가 사무엘서의 주제 모두 아우르게 됩니다

Despite Saul and David's evil, God remained at work moving forward his redemptive purposes.
And God opposed David and Saul's arrogance,
but He exalted David when he humbled himself.
And so the future hope of this book reaches far beyond David himself.
It looks to the future to the messianic king
who will one day bring God's kingdom and blessing to all of the nations.
And that's what the book of Samuel is all about. 

사울과 다윗의 [악]함에도 불구하고 하나님께서 구원의 계획을 계속 행하십니다.
하나님께서 다윗과 사울의 [오만]에 대적하였으나
다윗이 스스로를 [겸손]하게 낮추었을 때 그를 높이셨습니다.
이 책의 왕에 대한 소망은 다윗을 훨씬 넘어서는 것입니다.
그 소망은 미래에까지 이어지며 언젠가 메시아 [왕]이 나와서
하나님의 왕국을 세우고 모든 열방에 복을 주게 된다는 것입니다.
여기까지가 사무엘서의 내용입니다.

아래는 영문 및 한글의 바이블 프로젝트 개요 동영상을 링크합니다.

영문 사무엘하 개요 동영상 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvoWDXNDJgs  


한글 사무엘하 개요 동영상 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYuSYPIfFPA  


Overview video on the book of 2 Samuel(Bible Project): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJOju5Dw0V0  
사무엘상 개요 한글 동영상(바이블 프로젝트): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYuSYPIfFPA 

