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다니엘(Daniel) 개요 - 동영상 및 한글/영어 자막(Bible Project)

by 미류맘 2022. 11. 3.

사무엘하 매일성경 QT를 끝내고 다니엘서로 들어갑니다. 

아래의 스크립트는 공부를 목적으로 바이블 프로젝트에 올린 영문 동영상 개요에서 자막을 추출하여 영문 및 한글로 정리한 것입니다. 

이미지 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cSC9uobtPM&t=300s

The Book of Daniel
The story is set right after Babylon's first attack on Jerusalem
and they had plundered the city and its temple and taken a wave of Israelites into exile. 

이 이야기의 배경은 예루살렘에 대한 바벨론의 첫번째 공격 직후입니다.
바벨론은 예루살렘과 그 성전을 약탈하고 많은 이스라엘 사람들을 포로로 끌고 갔습니다.

Among them were four men from the royal family of David.
Daniel, whose later named Belteshazzar
and his three friends, who you probably know by their Babylonian names: 
Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego. 
This book tells of their struggles to maintain hope in the land of their conquerors. 

그들 가운데에는 다윗 혈통의 네 젊은이가 있었습니다.
후에 벨드사살이라 불리는 다니엘과
잘 알고 있듯이 그의 세 친구가 있었죠. 그들의 바벨론 이름은
사드락, 메삭, 아벳느고 였습니다.
그들이 역경을 헤쳐나가는 이야기입니다.
정복자의 땅에서 소망을 가지고 말이죠.

The book's design seems pretty simple at first--
Chapters one through six contains stories about Daniel and his friends in Babylon 
while chapters 7 through 12 contain the visions of Daniel about the future. 

이 책의 구성은 처음에는 아주 간단해 보입니다.
1장에서 6장까지는 바벨론으로 끌려간 다니엘과 그의 친구들에 관한 이야기이고
7장에서 12장까지는 미래에 대한 다니엘의 환상을 보여주고 있습니다.

But this two-part shape is made even more interesting by another design feature. 
And that's the book's language. 
It begins in Hebrew, the language of the Israelites.
But chapters 2 through 7 are written in Aramaic, 
a cousin language to Hebrew spoken widely among the ancient empires. 
But then in chapters 8 through 12 it goes back to Hebrew. 
This design shows how chapters 2 through 7 are a coherent section
but it also highlights the importance of chapters 2 and 7
for understanding the later chapters of the book. 
Let's just dive in. 

하지만 이 두 부분은 다른 특징에 의해 더욱 흥미롭게 전개됩니다.
이 책의 언어 때문인데요.
처음에는 히브리어(이스라엘 언어)로 시작합니다.
그러나 2장에서 7장까지는 아람어로 쓰여 있습니다.
이것은 히브리어의 사촌뻘 되는 언어로 고대 제국들에서 널리 사용되었죠.
그러나 8장에서 12장까지 다시 히브리어로 돌아갑니다.
이러한 구성은 2장에서 7장까지 얼마나 일관적인지를 보여주고
그 뿐만 아니라 2장과 7장이 얼마나 중요한지를 강조하고 있는 것입니다.
책 후반부에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해서죠.
자, 함께 살펴봅시다.

Chapter one introduces the basic attention of the first half of the book.
Daniel and his friends. They're really wise and capable. 
And they're recruited to serve in the Royal Palace of Babylon. 
But they're pressured to give up their Jewish identity by living and eating
like Babylonians and violating the Jewish food laws found in the Torah. 
So they refuse and they choose faithfulness to the Torah and it puts them in danger. 
But God delivers them and they end up being elevated by the king of Babylon. 
After this begins the Aramic section which you'll see has this really cool symmetrical design. 

1장은 이 책의 전반부에 관해 기본적인 것을 소개합니다.
다니엘과 그의 친구들이 등장하는데 그들은 정말 현명하고 능력있는 자들로
바벨론의 왕궁에서 왕을 위해 일하기 위해 뽑혀 온 자들이었습니다.
그러나 유대인의 정체성을 포기하고 바벨론 사람처럼 먹고 살도록 강요당합니다.
토라에 나오는 유대인의 음식에 관한 율법을 어기라는 것이었죠.
그들은 거절하고 율법에 충실할 것을 선택하죠. 이 선택은 그들을 위험으로 몰아넣습니다.
하지만 하나님이 그들을 구하시고 바벨론 왕은 결국 그들을 높이게 됩니다.
그 후에, 아람어 섹션이 시작됩니다. 여기에서 정말 멋진
대칭적인 구성을 볼 수 있습니다.

So first the king of Babylon has a dream
that it turns out only Daniel is able to interpret. 
It's about a huge statue made of four types of metal 
and it symbolizes a sequence of kingdoms and the head is Babylon.
But then a huge rock comes flying in and it shatters the statue 
and it becomes this huge mountain. 

먼저, 바벨론 왕이 꿈을 꿉니다.
이 꿈은 결국 다니엘만이 해몽할 수 있었죠.
이것은 네 가지 종류의 금속으로 만들어진 거대한 금신상에 관한 것으로
연속적으로 나타날 왕국들을 상징합니다. 신상의 머리는 바벨론을 상징하죠.
그런데 거대한 돌 하나가 날아와서 그 신상을 다 부수고
그 돌이 큰 산이 되는 꿈이었죠.

Now this dream is the first of many symbolic visions in the book 
and this one introduces the basic story line of them all. 
Daniel says that the statue represents a train of human kingdoms following from Babylon 
and they will all fill God's world with violence.
But one day God's kingdom will come confront and humble the arrogant kingdoms of this world 
and fill the world with the healing justice of God's reign and rule. 

이 꿈은 이 책의 많은 상징적 환상 중에 첫번째 것으로
사실 이 책 모든 스토리 전개의 기본이 됩니다.
다니엘은 이 금신상이 바벨론 다음의 여러 왕국을 나타내고
그들이 하나님의 세상을 폭력으로 물들일 것이라고 말합니다.
그러나 어느날, 하나님의 나라가 임해서 이 땅의 오만함을 대적하여 겸손케 하시고
이 땅을 하나님의 통치와 치유하심, 그리고 공의로 채울 것이라고 말합니다.

After this, chapter 3 tells the famous story of Daniel's three friends 
who refused to bow down and worship a huge idol statue, 
which like the statue in chapter 2 represents the king in his imperial power. 
So the friends are persecuted. 
They're thrown into a fiery furnace. 
But God delivers them from death and they're exalted by the king
who now acknowledges their God is the true one.

그 후에, 3장에서 그 유명한 다니엘의 세 친구 이야기가 등장합니다.
그들은 거대한 우상신에게 절하기를 거부했습니다.
이 우상신은 2장에 나왔던 금신상과 비슷한데요. 바벨론 왕의 권력을 상징합니다.
다니엘의 친구들은 우상에 절하지 않아 불구덩이 속으로 던져집니다.
그러나 하나님은 그들을 죽음으로부터 구하시고 왕은 결국 그들을 높입니다.
이제 왕은 세 친구의 하나님을 진정한 하나님으로 인정하게 됩니다.

After this come a pair of stories about two Babylonian kings, 
the father, Nebuchadnezzar and then his son, Belshazzar.
They're both filled with pride because of their imperial power. 
And so, like in chapter 2, God warns them both through dreams and then visions, 
which also like chapter 2 only Daniel can interpret. 
He says that both kings are to humble themselves before God
and both kings arrogantly resist.

그후, 두 바벨론 왕에 관한 이야기가 짝지어 나옵니다.
아버지인 느부갓네살 왕과 그의 아들인 벨사살 왕인데요
그들 둘다는 제국의 영향력으로 인해 교만함으로 가득차 있었습니다.
2장에서와 같이, 하나님은 꿈과 환상을 통해 두 왕에게 경고하십니다.
2장에서처럼 다니엘만이 그 꿈을 해석 할 수 있었죠.
그는 두 왕이 하나님 앞에 겸손해야 한다고 말했지만
두 왕은 오만한 자세로 듣지 않았죠.

So Nebuchadnezzar is stricken with madness. 
He becomes like a beast in the field. 
But then he humbles himself before God and his hamanity returns to him. 
He's restored as king.
This is in contrast with his son Belshazzar who doesn't humble himself before God 
and he's assassinated that very night. 

느부갓네살 왕은 광기에 시달리게 되고
그는 들판의 짐승처럼 변해갔습니다.
그러나 그후, 그는 하나님 앞에서 자신을 낮추고 하나님께로 돌아갔고
결국 왕의 자리를 되찾게 됩니다.
이것은 그의 아들 벨사살 왕과 대조적인데요. 벨사살은 하나님 앞에 자신을 낮추지 않았고
결국 그날밤 그는 암살당합니다.

Now these two stories draw this imagery from Genesis chapters 1 and 2 and Psalm 8
where humans are depicted as the royal image of God. 
He has given them authority to rule over the beasts of the field, the birds of the air 
on behalf of God who is the world's true king. 
But when human kingdoms forget that, 
when they rebel and make themselves and their power into a "god,"
they become less than human like violent beasts who will face God's justice. 

이제 이 두 이야기는 창세기 1장, 2장과 시편 8편의 이미지를 떠올립니다.
그 곳에서 인간은 하나님의 형상을 닮은 왕같은 자로 묘사되고 있습니다.
하나님은 인간에게 들짐승과 공중의 새를 지배할 수 있는 권세를 주셨죠.
진정한 왕이신 하나님을 대신할 수 있는 권세입니다.
그러나 인간 왕국들은 이 사실을 잊었고
하나님께 반역하여 스스로를 "신" 으로 만들었죠.
이제 인간이기보다는 폭력적인 짐승이 되어 마침내 하나님의 정의의 심판을 직면하게 됩니다.

Which brings us to chapter 6, the pair of chapter three. 
And this time it's Daniel who is being persecuted 
because he refuses to pray and worship the king as a god. 
And so like the friends, he's sentenced to death and he's thrown into a lion's den. 
But God delivers him from the beasts
and like the friends, the king exalts Daniel and praises his God,

이 이야기는 6장으로 연결되는데 3장과 짝을 이루고 있습니다.
6장에서는 다니엘이 박해받는 장면이 나옵니다.
다니엘이 바벨론 왕을 신으로 섬기고 왕에게 기도하는 것을 거부했기 때문입니다.
그는 친구들처럼 사형에 처해지고 사자굴에 던져집니다.
그러나 하나님은 짐승으로부터 그를 구하시고
세 친구들 때처럼, 왕은 다니엘과 하나님을 찬양합니다.

which brings us to chapter 7. 
It's the pair of chapter 2 and the center of the book. 
where all its themes come together. 
It's another dream but it's Daniel's this time. 
And ironically he cannot understand the dream until an angelic messenger explains it to him. 
He sees a series of four beasts: the one like a lion 
then like a bear, then one like a winged leopard. 
Each of these symbolizing an arrogant kingdom. 
And last of all is a super beast identified as a really evil empire
and it has lots of horns - a common symbol for kings in the Old Testament. 
And there's one specific horn 
who is an image of an arrogant king who exalts himself above God
and persecute God's people. 
Now they are symbolized by a figure called the "Son of Man"
who is an image for both God's covenant people but also for their King from the line of David.

이제 7장으로 이동하면
7장은 2장과 짝을 이루고 있고, 이 책의 중심 부분이죠.
모든 주제가 이 곳에 함께 나옵니다.
또 다른 꿈이 나오는데, 이번에는 다니엘의 꿈입니다.
아이러니하게도 그는 자신의 꿈을 이해할 수 없었고 천사가 해몽해 주고 나서야 이해하게 됩니다.
다니엘이 본 것은 네 짐승인데, 그 중 하나는 사자 같고
또 하나는 곰 같고, 또 하나는 날개 달린 표범 같았죠.
이들 각각은 오만한 나라를 상징하고
마지막으로 거대한 짐승이 나오는데 그것은 정말 악한 왕국을 상징하는 것입니다.
이 짐승은 많은 뿔을 가지고 있는데 구약에서 뿔은 왕에 대한 상징입니다.
거기에 독특한 뿔 하나가 있는데
그것은 하나님 보다 자신을 높이는 교만한 왕을 상징하고
하나님의 백성들을 핍박하는 자입니다.
이제 여기에 "인자"(사람의 아들) 라고 불리는 한 형상이 등장합니다.
그는 하나님의 언약의 백성을 상징하기도 하고 다윗의 가문에서 나타날 왕을 상징하기도 합니다.

But then all of a sudden, God, who is called the Ancient of Days, 
comes and He sets up His throne. 
He destroys the super beast and He exalts the Son of Man on the clouds
where he comes up to sit at God's right hand 
and shares in God's rule over the nations.

그 때, 갑자기 "태초부터 계신 분" 이라 불리는 하나님께서
오셔서 그의 나라를 세우고
거대한 짐승을 무너뜨리며 구름 타고 오신 인자를 높이십니다.
이제 인자는 하나님의 오른편에 앉고
하나님과 함께 열방을 통치하게 됩니다.

We can look bacxk now and see how all of these stories in the first half fit together. 
The three stories of faithfulness despite persecution. 
These are meant to offer hope to God-suffering people among the nations. 
But they suffer because human kingdoms have rebelled against God and become beasts. 
And so these visions encourage patience that God's people are to wait for him
to bring his kingdom and rule over our world and vindicate his suffering people.
But it raises the question about when God is going to do that and that's what 
these final three visions set out to explore. 

자, 이제 우리는 돌아가서 이 이야기들이 전반부에서 어떻게 구성되었는지 다시 보겠습니다.
핍박에도 불구하고 하나님께 순종했던 자들의 세이야기는
핍박당하는 하나님의 백성들에게 희망을 불어넣기 위한 것이었습니다.
하지만 그 백성들은 고통당하는데요. 세상의 왕국들이 하나님을 거역하고 짐승처럼 되었기 때문이죠.
그리고 이 두개의 환상은 하나님의 백성들이 인내심을 가지고 기다리도록 권면합니다.
즉, 하나님의 왕국이 도래해서 세상을 통치하고 고통받는 백성들을 보호해 주시길 기다리면서 말입니다.
그러나 여기에 질문이 있습니다. 언제 하나님께서 그렇게 할 것인지에 관한 것으로
이것이 바로 마지막 세 환상에서 우리가 찾아볼 부분입니다.

In chapter 8, Daniel has another vision about the final two beasts of chapter 7. 
But this time they are symbolized by a ram who we're told is an image of the empire of the Medes and Persians. 
And then by a goat who is an image of ancient Greece. 
And out of the goat come a whole bunch of horns, 
one of which symbolizes the evil king from chapter 7. 
And we're told more about him. 
That he will attack Jerusalem 
and exalt himself above God and defile the temple with idols. 
However in the end he will be destroyed by God 
who will exalt His people and His kingdom.

8장에서 다니엘은 7장에 나온 마지막 두 짐승에 관해 또 다른 환상을 보게 됩니다.
이번에는 숫양이 짐승을 상징하는데 그것은 메대와 페르시아 제국을 가리키고
숫염소는 그리스를 가리킨다고 천사가 설명합니다.
그리고 그 염소에서 많은 뿔이 나오는데
그 중 하나가 7장에 나오는 악한 왕을 상징하는 것입니다.
천사는 그 왕에 대해 더 많이 이야기 해줍니다. 그 왕은 예루살렘을 공격할 것이고
하나님보다 자신을 높이고 우상으로 성전을 더럽힐 자라는 거죠.
하지만 결국에는 하나님이 그 왕을 멸망시키시고
하나님의 백성과 그의 왕국을 높이실 것입니다.

Now by chapter 9, Daniel is very puzzled 
especially as to when all of this is going to take place. 
So he consuylts the scroll of the prophet Jeremiah
where God said that Isrel's exile would only last 70 years 
so far Daniel the 70 years is almost up and 
so he asked God to fulfill His promise soon. 
But an angel comes and informs him 
that Israel's sin and rebellion has continues and so their time of exile and 
oppression will continue on seven times longer than Jeremiah envisioned.

이제 9장에서 다니엘은 매우 궁금해합니다.
특히 이 모든 일이 일어날 때에 관해서였죠.
그래서 그는 선지자 예레미야의 두루마리를 참고합니다.
예레미야서에서 이스라엘의 포로생활이 단지 70년 지속될 것이라고 하나님은 말씀하시고
그 70년의 끝이 가까웠음을 다니엘은 알게 됩니다. (예레미야 25장)
그래서 그는 하나님께서 그 약속을 성취하실 것을 간절히 기도합니다.
그러나 천사가 와서 그에게 알려주길
이스라엘의 죄와 반역이 계속되어 그들의 포로 기간과
그들에 대한 억압이 예레미야가 상상했던 것보다 일곱 배나 지속될 것이라고 합니다.

Daniel is deeply disturbed by this and he has one final vision. 
We're shown the same sequence of kingdoms.
It's Persia and then Greece and 
Alexander the Great followed by lesser kings all leading up to this final king of the north,
who will invade Jerusalem, set up idols in the temple and exalt himself above God.  
But then all of a sudden this king comes to ruin.

다니엘은 몹시 근심하게 되죠. 그는 이제 마지막 환상을 봅니다.
그의 환상에서 여러 왕국들이 나오고 있습니다. 페르시아, 그리스 그리고
알렉산더 대왕, 여러 작은 왕국들, 그 후, 북쪽 마지막 왕에 이릅니다.
그는 예루살렘을 침공하고, 그 성전에 우상을 세워 하나님보다 그를 높일 것입니다.
그 때, 갑자기 한 왕이 와서 모든 것을 무너뜨립니다.

Now there's been endless debate about what all of these visions refer to. 
Many see a clear connection to the exploits of the Syrian king Antiochus in the 160s BC. 
He killed many faithful Jews in Jerusalem and set up idols in the temple. 
Others think it points forward to the Roman Empire's role in the execution of Jesus 
and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in AD70. 
And still others think it will be fulfilled in future events that have yet to happen when Jesus will return. 
Now the problem is that the symbols and the numbers they don't quite match any of these views perfectly. 
But it opens up the possibility that in a sense they are all right. 

이 환상이 무엇을 말하는 것인지에 관해 그동안 정말 많은 논쟁이 있었습니다.
대부분은 이 환상을 BC 160년대 시리아의 왕 안티오쿠스의 침략과 연결짓습니다.
그는 수많은 신실한 유대인들을 죽였고 예루살렘과 성전에 우상을 세웠던 자이죠.
또다른 사람들은 이 환상을 로마 제국과 관련지어서 예수 그리스도의 죽음과
AD 70년의 예루살렘의 멸망에 관한 것으로 보기도 합니다.
그리고 또다른 사람들은 이 환상이 미래에 있을 그리스도 재림의 때에 일어날 일로 보기도 합니다.
문제는 이 상징과 숫자들이 그 어떤 견해와도 완벽하게 일치하지는 않는다는 것입니다.
그러나 한편으로는 이 의견 모두가 옳을 수도 있다는 가능성을 열어줍니다.

The book of Daniel has been designed to offer hope to all future generations of God's people. 
It did so in the days of Antiochus' Empire and it has even since. 
This is why Jesus could use imagery from Daniel to describe and confront 
the oppressive leaders he confronted in Jerusalem. 
This is why John the visionary who wrote the Revelation could adapt Daniel's visions 
and apply them to Rome of his day and also all future oppressive empires.

다니엘서는 미래의 모든 하나님의 백성들에게 소망을 주기 위해 쓰여진 것입니다.
안티오쿠스 제국의 침략 때에도, 그리고 그 이후에도 이 말씀은 소망이 되었습니다.
그런 이유로 예수님은 다니엘서의 상징들을 사용하여 그가 만난 억압적 지도자들을 묘사하고 대적했으며
또한 요한계시록을 쓴 요한 역시 다니엘의 환상을 적용하여
그 시대의 로마와 이후에 있을 제국들의 억압에 대해 예언합니다.

And so the point of Daniel is that all generations of readers can find here a pattern and a promise. 
It's a pattern that human beings and their kingdoms become violent beasts 
when they glorify their own power, when they redefine right and wrong 
and don't acknowledge God is their true king.

이것이 다니엘서의 핵심으로 모든 사람들이 이 책의 패턴과 약속의 언약을 발견할 수 있을 것입니다.
이 패턴이란 인간과 왕국들이 거친 들짐승으로 변해 갈 것인데
그들이 자신의 능력을 영화롭게 하고, 옳고 그름을 인간의 관점에서 정의하며
하나님을 그들의 진정한 왕으로 인정하지 않기 때문입니다.

But Daniel also holds out a promise that one day God will confront the Beast. 
He will rescue His world and His people by bringing His kingdom over all nations. 
And so for every generation, this book speaks a message of hope that should motivate faithfulness. 
And that's what the book of Daniel is all about.

하지만 다니엘은 하나님이 반드시 그 짐승을 무너뜨릴 것이라는 약속을 붙들고 있습니다.
하나님이 그의 나라와 백성을 구하시고 그의 왕국을 열방에 가져오실 것이라는 약속이죠.
모든 세대에게 이 책은 소망의 메세지를 전하며 언약의 말씀을 신실히 따르도록 권면합니다.
이것이 다니엘서입니다.

아래는 바이블 포로젝트의 다니엘서 영문 개요 동영상입니다

동영상 소스:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cSC9uobtPM&t=300s


아래는 바이블 포로젝트의 다니엘서 한글 개요 동영상입니다

동영상 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clI5OYY4lVo

바이블 프로젝트 다니엘서 영문 동영상 개요: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cSC9uobtPM&t=300s
바이블 프로젝트 다니엘서 한글 동영상 개요: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clI5OYY4lVo

