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마태복음(Matthew)14-28 개요 - 동영상 및 한글/영어 자막(Bible Project)

by 미류맘 2023. 1. 16.

마태복음은 세리이자 예수님의 12제자 중의 하나인 마태가 기록한 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 마태복음 후반부 14-28장까지의 개요를 정리해서 올립니다. 

동영상과 영문 및 한글 스트립트 바이블 프로젝트에 올라온 내용에서 추출해서 정리했습니다.
늘 좋은 내용으로 수고해 주시는 바이블 프로젝트 영문 및 한글 영상팀들에게 감사드립니다. 

이미지 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGCF3OPWN14

The Gospel according to Matthew. 
In the first video we saw how Matthew introduced Jesus as the Messiah from the line of David, 
and as a new authoritative teacher like Moses,
and also as Emmanuel which in Hebrew means "God with us."
After Jesus announced and taught about the arrival of God's kingdom 
and after he brought the kingdom into day-to-day life among the people of Israel, 
we saw that Jesus was accepted by many but rejected by others, 
especially Israel's religious leaders, the Pharisees. 
And so the big question is, "How is this conflict between Jesus and Israel's leaders going to play itself out?

전반부 영상에서 우리는 마태가 예수님을 어떻게 다윗의 자손으로부터 난 메시아로 소개하는지,
그리고 어떻게 모세와 같은 새로운 권위있는 교사로 소개하는지,
또한 어떻게 히브리어로 '하나님이 우리와 함께하신다' 는 뜻의 임마누엘로 소개하는지 살펴보았습니다
예수님이 하나님나라의 도래에 대해 공표하고 가르치신 후,
그리고 이스라엘 백성의 일상에 하나님나라를 드러내신 후,
우리는 예수님이 많은 사람들에게 환영받았으나 또 다른 이들, 
특별히 이스라엘의 종교 지도자인 바리새인들에게 거절당하는 것을 보았습니다

그렇게 생긴 질문은 이것입니다 "예수님과 이스라엘 지도자들의 갈등은 어떻게 매듭지어질 것인가?"


"The next large section, chapters 14 through 20, 
explore all the different expectations people have about the Messiah. 
Jesus keeps healing sick people and
twice he even miraculously provides food for these huge crowds in the desert, 
one made up of Jewish people and the other is a non-jewish crowd. 
And this sign is very similar to what Moses did for Israel in the wilderness. 
And so are these people are excited about Jesus,
they think he's the great prophet and the Messiah, but not the religious leaders.


Their view of the Messiah is built on passages like Psalm 2 or Daniel chapter 2,
about a victorious Messiah who is going to deliver Israel and defeat the pagan
oppressors. And from their point of view, Jesus is a false teacher. He's making
blasphemous claims about himself and so there are stories here about them
increasing their opposition, hatching a plan to kill him. And so in response,
Jesus, he withdraws. And he begins teaching his closest disciples what it means for
him to be Israel's Messiah because it is not what anybody expects.

그들의 관점으로 바라본 메시아는 시편 2편 또는 다니엘 2장 말씀 구절을 기반으로 한
이스라엘을 억압하는 이방나라들을 물리치고 이스라엘을 구원할 승리의 메시아였습니다
그들의 관점에서 볼 때, 예수님은 거짓 교사였습니다
그들이 볼 때 예수님은 자신에 대해 신성모독적인 발언을 하고 있었으며 
그로 인해 예수에 대한 반발은 점점 거세졌고 예수를 죽이려는 계획을 세우고 있었습니다

그러자 예수님은 잠시 물러나십니다
예수님은 이스라엘의 메시아가 된다는 건 예수님에게 어떤 의미인지 그의 열두 제자들에게 가르치기 시작합니다
왜냐하면 그건 누구도 예상하지 못한 부분이거든요

So Jesus asked his disciples-- chapter 16-- he says, "Who do you all say that I am?"
 And Peter comes up with the right answer, it seems. 
He says, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."
But then it becomes clear that Peter's thinking about a king 
who's going to reign victoriously through military power.
nd Jesus challenges Peter,
saying that "Yes, I am going to become king, but through a different way." 

그래서 예수님은 그의 제자들에게 16장에서 묻습니다 "너희는 나를 누구라 하느냐?"
그러자 베드로가 정답을 맞춥니다 그는 이렇게 말합니다 "당신은 메시아이며 살아있는 하나님의 아들입니다"
그러나 이 대답은 무력을 통해 다스릴 승리의 왕에 대한 베드로의 생각인 것이 명백하게 드러납니다
예수님은 이렇게 말하며 베드로에게 도전합니다
"그래 난 왕이 될거야 그러나 다른 방식으로 간다"

And so Jesus starts to teach on themes from the prophet Isaiah 
who said that the Messianic King would suffer and die for the sins of his own people. 
And so Jesus, he was positioning himself as a Messianic king 
who reigns by becoming a servant 
and who would lay down his life for Israel and the nations. 
Peter and the disciples, they mostly just don't get it.

예수님은 선지자 이사야가 예언한 주제에 대해 가르치기 시작합니다
이사야는 구세주가 고난을 받고 자기 백성들의 죄를 위해 죽을 것이라고 예언했습니다
그래서 예수님은 자신을 이스라엘과 열방을 위해 그의 생명을 버리고 스스로 종이 됨으로써 다스리는 구세주로 소개합니다
그러나 베드로와 다른 제자들 대다수는 이를 받아들이지 못합니다

And so Jesus enters into the fourth
block of teaching followed by a series of teachings after that. And these are
all about the upside down nature of Jesus' Messianic Kingdom--which turns
upside down all of our value systems. So in the community of the servant king you
gain honor by serving others and instead of getting revenge, you forgive and do
good to your enemies. And in Jesus' kingdom you gain true wealth by giving
your wealth away to the poor. To follow the servant Messiah, you must become a
servant yourself.

예수님은 그 후 이어서 네번째 가르침을 제자들에게 전합니다
이는 모두 우리의 모든 가치 체계가 뒤바뀌어지는 거꾸로 된 하나님 나라의 본질에 대한 가르침입니다
종이 된 왕의 공동체 안에서, 당신은 누군가에게 복수하는 대신 다른 사람을 섬기고 용서하며 원수에게 선을 행함으로 영광을 얻습니다
그리고 예수님의 나라에서 당신은 가난한 자들에게 당신의 부를 나눠줌으로 진정한 부를 얻게 됩니다
종이 된 메시아를 따르기 위해선 당신도 스스로 종이 되어야 합니다

In the next section we watched the two kingdoms clash--Jesus' kingdom 
and that of Israel's leader. 
Jesus comes to Jerusalem for Passover riding in on a donkey and 
the crowds are hailing him as the Messiah. 
Jesus immediately marches into the courtyard of the temple 
and he creates this huge disruption that brings the daily sacrifices to a halt. 
His actions speak louder than words here.

다음 섹션에서 우리는 두 왕국, 예수님 나라와 이스라엘의 지도자들의 나라가 서로 충돌하는 걸 보게 됩니다
예수님은 유월절에 나귀를 타고 군중들에게 메시아로 환영받으며 예루살렘에 입성합니다
예수님은 곧바로 성전의 뜰로 들어가셨고 그리고 예수님은 날마다 드리는 제사를 중지시켜 커다란 혼란을 야기합니다
여기에서 예수님의 행동은 말보다 중요합니다

As Israel's King, Jesus was asserting his royal authority over the temple, 
the place where God and Israel met together. 
And in Jesus' view, the temple was compromised by the hypocrisy of Israel's leaders 
and so here he's challenging their authority and naturally they're deeply offended. 
And so they try to trap Jesus and shame him in public debate and they fail. 
So they end up just determining to have him killed.

이스라엘의 왕으로서, 예수님은 하나님과 이스라엘이 함께 만나는 장소인 성전에 대한 
그의 왕적 권위를 주장하고 있었습니다
예수님의 관점에서 성전은 이스라엘의 지도자들에 의해 타협당하고 있었습니다
그래서 예수님은 그들의 권위에 대해 도전하시고 그들은 예상했던대로 매우 불쾌해합니다
그들은 예수님에게 함정을 씌우려하고 공적인 자리에서 논쟁하여 봉변을 주려했으나 그들은 실패합니다
결국 그들은 예수님을 죽이기로 결정합니다

In response, Jesus delivers his final block of teaching. 
He first offers this passionate critique of the Pharisees and their hypocrisy. 
And then he weeps over Jerusalem and its rejection of God and His Kingdom. 
Then Jesus withdraws with the disciples and he starts telling them what's going to happen. 
He's going to be executed by these leaders, 
but in doing so they're going to create their own demise 
because instead of accepting Jesus' way of the Peaceful Kingdom 
they're going to take the road of revolt against Rome and so Jerusalem 
and its temple are going to be destroyed. 
But Jesus says that is not the end of the story.
He's going to be vindicated after his death by his resurrection and 
one day he'll return and set up his kingdom over all nations.
And so in the meanwhile, the disciples need to stay alert 
and stay committed to just announcing Jesus and His Kingdom and spreading the good news.

그러자 예수님은 그의 마지막 가르침을 전합니다
예수님은 첫째로 바리새인과 그들의 위선에 대해 신랄하게 비판합니다
그 다음으로 예수님은 예루살렘을 향하여 하나님나라와 하나님께 거절당할 것을 두고 슬퍼합니다
예수님은 제자들과 함께 물러나고 제자들에게 앞으로 벌어질 일에 대해 말씀하기 시작합니다
그는 지도자들에 의해 처형당할 것이며 그렇게 해서 그들 스스로 멸망거리를 만들어 낸다고 말씀합니다
왜냐하면 평화의 나라의 예수님의 길을 받아들이기 보다 그들은 로마에 대항하는 반역의 길을 걸어갈 것이기 때문입니다
예루살렘과 그 성전은 무너질 것입니다 그러나 예수님은 이것이 이야기의 끝이 아니라고 말합니다
예수님은 십자가에서 죽으시고 부활하심으로 스스로를 증명하실 것입니다
그리고 어느 날 그분은 다시 오셔서 모든 나라들 위에 그의 나라를 세울 것입니다
그 때까지 제자들은 경계를 게을리하지 않고 예수님과 그의 나라를 전하며
복된 소식을 퍼트리는 일에 헌신적으로 살아야 합니다

And so with all of that ringing in the
disciples ears, the story comes to its climax. That night Jesus takes the
disciples aside and he celebrates the Passover meal with them.
Passover retells the story of Israel's rescue from slavery through the death of
the Passover lamb. And then Jesus takes the bread and the wine from this meal as
new symbols showing that his coming death would be a sacrifice that would
redeem his people from slavery to sin and evil.

이 모든 일들을 제자들이 듣고 난 후, 이야기는 정점에 이릅니다
그 날 저녁 예수님은 제자들을 데리고 함께 유월절 만찬을 함께 기념합니다
유월절은 유월절 양의 죽음을 통해 이스라엘의 노예 상태로부터 구원받은 이야기를 다시 기억하는 절기입니다
예수님은 빵과 포도주를 취해서 그의 죽으심이 곧 죄와 악에 속박된 그의 백성들을 구원할 희생제물인 것을 보여줄 새로운 상징물로 삼으셨습니다

After the meal, Jesus is arrested,
he's put on trial before the Sanhedrin, the Council of Jewish leaders. And they
reject his claim to be the Messiah. They charge him with blasphemy against
God. Then Jesus is brought before the Roman governor, Pilate, and he thinks
Jesus is innocent, but he gives in to the pressure from the Jewish leaders and he
sentences Jesus to death by crucifixion.

만찬 이후에 예수님은 체포됩니다
그는 유대인 지도자들의 공회인 산헤드린의 재판에 회부됩니다
그리고 그들은 예수가 메시아라고 주장한 것을 받아들이지 않습니다
그리고 예수님은 로마 총독 빌라도 앞에 끌려갑니다 그는 예수님이 무죄라고 생각합니다
그러나 그는 유대인 지도자들의 압력을 굴복하여 그는 예수님께 십자가형을 선고합니다

So Jesus is led away by Roman soldiers and then crucified. 
Now you'll notice right here in this section that, just like Matthew did in the opening chapters, 
he increases the number of references to the Old Testament. 
He's trying to show that Jesus' death was not a tragedy or failure. 
Rather, it was the surprising fulfillment of all of the old, prophetic promises. 
Jesus came as the Servant Messiah spoken of by Isaiah.
He was rejected by his own people but instead of judging them, 
he is judged on their behalf, bearing the consequences of their sin.

그래서 예수님은 로마 군인들에게 이끌려 십자가에 못박히십니다
이제 당신은 이번 섹션에서 마태가 첫 장과 같이, 
그가 구약의 말씀들을 인용하는 횟수가 증가한다는걸 알게 될 겁니다
그는 예수님의 죽음이 비극이나 실패가 아니라는 걸 보여주려고 노력하고 있습니다
그보다 그분의 십자가는 모든 옛적의, 예언적 약속들에 대한 놀라운 완성이었습니다
예수님은 이사야가 언급한 고난 받는 종인 메시아로써 오셨습니다
그는 그의 백성들에게 거절당하고 오히려 그들에게 심판을 받으며
그는 그들을 대신하여 심판을 받고 그들의 죄의 결과를 감당합니다

So the crucifixion scene, it comes to a close, and Jesus' body is placed in a tomb. 
But the book ends with a surprising twist--the last chapter. 
The disciples, they discover on Sunday morning that Jesus' tomb is empty. 
And then all of a sudden people start seeing Jesus alive from the dead. 
And the book concludes with the risen Jesus giving a final teaching called the Great Commission.
Jesus says that he is now the true king of the world and 
so he sends his disciples out to all nations with the good news that 
Jesus is Lord and that anyone can join his kingdom 
by being baptized and by following his teachings.

그렇게 십자가 장면에서 이 모든 것들이 끝나고, 예수님의 시체는 무덤에 놓여집니다
그러나 책은 마지막 장에서 매우 흥미진진하게 끝납니다
제자들은 일요일 아침 예수님의 무덤이 비어있는 걸 발견합니다
그 순간 갑자기 사람들은 죽음으로부터 살아난 예수님을 보게 됩니다
그리고 책은 '대 사명' 이라 불리는 마지막 가르침을 부활하신 예수님이 전하며 마무리합니다
예수님은 이제 자신이 진정한 이 세상의 왕이며 그는 그의 제자들에게
예수님이 왕이시고 누구든지 세례를 받고 그의 가르침을 따르는 자는
그의 나라에 들어갈 수 있다는 복된 소식을 전하라고 모든 나라들로 보냅니다

And echoing all the way back to his name, Emmanuel, God with us, from chapter one,
Jesus' last words in the book to his disciples are "I will be with you." 
It's a promise of Jesus' presence until the day he finally returns. 
And that's the Gospel according to Matthew.

1장에 나온 '임마누엘' , 하나님이 우리와 함께 하신다는 그 이름을 환기해보면서,
예수님이 이 책의 마지막에서 제자들에게 하신 말씀은 "내가 너희와 항상 함께 있으리라" 입니다
이는 주께서 마침내 돌아오실 그 날까지 예수님께서 약속하신 언약입니다
이것이 마태복음의 전체 내용입니다

아래는 마태복음 14-28장 개요에 대한 바이블 프로젝트의 영문 및 한글 동영상 자료입니다.


동영상 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGCF3OPWN14


동영상 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va-eFIztMxU


바이블 프로젝트 마태복음 14-28 영문 동영상 개요: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGCF3OPWN14
바이블 프로젝트  마태복음 14-28  한글 동영상 개요: 동영상 소스: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va-eFIztMxU

